My son Willy’s original ADHD/bipolar! recovery story (June 2006)

What My Son Willy Did Between August of 2004 and February of 2008 Exposed the Enormous Hoax of Drug Oriented Medicine!, if the Truth Ever Became Known!

No More ADHD! No More Bipolar Disorder! and No More Weak and Sickly Childhood Health!

The Picture below shows my eldest son Willy’s Health at the hands of conventional medicine.
This Picture represents my son Willy at about ten and a half years of age, after being on Ritalin for about four years for an ADHD diagnosis and classic bipolar symptoms. At this point in his life Willy was not very happy, and he had both Seriously Compromised Mental and Physical Health.

Essentially I taught Willy verbally ***the Basic Facts that He Needed To Know***
In Order to Become ***An Effective Doctor of Himself***, and
***I also gave Willy the Supplement Tools*** that he needed to do so.
Willy did the rest!

My son Willy’s original ADHD/bipolar! recovery story (June 2006)

I received some unexpected news on June 10, 2006 in regard to my fifteen-year-old son William (“Willy”) Darman.Soon after the above, I asked Willy if I could post his story on the net to help other people. His immediate response was “Absolutely”. I also asked him if I should try to post his story anonymously, or should I use his name. His immediate response was “Use my name. I will be a witness”.

Willy just received four awards at his ninth grade graduation. The four awards were for Effort in Math, Effort in Global Studies, Effort in Earth Science, and the Principal’s Award, which is the most prestigious award given. (Only four kids out of about 200 or so got this award, and each got a large medallion with their name inscribed on the back.)

Willy was never expected to win awards such as these. He was diagnosed at six years old as ADHD. As his father (and a man that knows bipolar disorder extremely well), the diagnosis of ADHD was a misdiagnosis. In my opinion, Willy’s clear bipolar onset was in the winter of 1997, at this same tender age of six years old.

Willy has had to battle though some pretty serious (and often severe) bipolar symptoms throughout his childhood, with all of their psychological ramifications in regard to both his relationships with other persons and his self-esteem. In addition to this, Willy was held back (failed) in third grade.

Willy was on Ritalin for about four and a half years. He actually advocated for himself with both the school and his mother without my intervention and got himself off Ritalin a little less than three years ago. He was able to do this despite still showing substantial learning impairment in regard to his ability to read.

Although Willy still has a serious reading impairment, and he still goes to a special class for this, all of his other classes are “normal”. His grade point average this year for all of his classes is 89.99, just a smidgeon shy of being on the honor roll. (After I wrote this recovery story a few weeks ago, my son Willy did get his report card for the end of this year. Willy did make the honor roll for the first time in his entire school tenure to date. He also got and 89 and a 91 for test results on his two NYS Regents exams this year. From where Willy was academically for years, all this is rather remarkable, to say the least.)

When Willy was about ten years old and we were taking a walk he said to me “Mom tells me to do one thing and you tell me to do another? “What should I do?” (His mother is allopathic in her medical faith and I, his father, am clearly alternative in mine. However, my ex-wife gained sole custody of our two sons in our divorce and thus I had no input in their health decisions.) I said, “It’s your body Willy, how you deal with this is really up to you”… and then I said “Willy, you are a pretty smart kid… you will figure out the truth of this situation eventually”. Willy paused for a second, thinking about what I had told him, then he just blurted out “I think Mom is full of s..t”. (I just could not find it in my heart to scold Willy for this swear word, in part due to the fact that he had “hit the nail right on the head” in regard to my ex-wife’s medical beliefs, and in part due to the fact his delivery was so flawless. I had to really work not to laugh, as I did not want to encourage a rift with his mother.)

Unfortunately, Willy then explained to me he was not ready to rock the boat at home yet with his mother and take my suggestions, but that he would let me know when he was. I certainly was very disappointed with this answer. I had been dying to help my son for years, but I knew that I had to let this go for now… and just continue to wait… wait until Willy was ready for what I knew from my bipolar recovery experience would greatly help him to get better.

A little less than two years ago my son made his own choice of switching to alternative medicine. Willy finally said to me “I want to do what you are doing, because I saw how much it helped you”. He knew in saying this that it meant we had to sneak all of the supplements that I gave to him into the house. Willy knew upfront that he had to hide this whole thing from his mother, who was adamantly against such a program of nutritional supplementation. He also knew that I could conceivably face court action of some sort if and/or when we got caught.

Willy and I continued to sneak around my ex-wife for about five months, at which time we finally did get caught. This was inevitable, and we both knew this from the start. However, when we did get caught my ex-wife was wise enough to relent. She knew that she could not take Willy’s supplements away from him at this point (December of 2004). The supplements that I had given him had just done far too much to help him by then.

Willy went from almost zero supplementation for a number of years prior (often just the tepid Flintstone multi-vitamin that my ex-wife would allow, and often not even this) to “a shotgun approach of very substantial nutritional supplementation” started almost overnight (in July 2004). I simply made up dozens of individual supplements into zip lock baggies for him to take. In addition to this, Willy took other supplements out of various bottles I gave him (or that he bought). He also learned rather quickly how to take various supplements and “make adjustments accordingly”. This change in broad based essential nutrient intake as a result of supplementation has had an absolutely profound! positive effect on Willy in the past 23 months, both mentally and physically.

Not only has Willy begun to do so much better academically, but he behaves much better as well, both in school and at home. No more angry outbursts right out of the blue from time to time, no more pressured and rapid speech from time to time, and no more moodiness and depression (especially in the winter) as well. I sure do know as his parent that there were times Willy just could not shut up, the same problem that I had from time to time as a rampant bipolar in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. (I am cured of this, just as Willy is.) I remember taking Willy to Syracuse, NY (about an hour by car) a number of times when he was a child, and despite three or four other people often being in the car, none of us could hardly get a word in edgewise the entire hour. Willy would talk at a “machine gun pace” the whole time. He had a great sense of humor and would often make us laugh, but most of the people in the car couldn’t get out fast enough when we got to our destination. All of this kind of ADHD/bipolar type behavior is completely in the past. Willy is normal now.

In regard to his physical health, Willy was a sickly child all through his childhood. He had spontaneous nose bleeding for many of his childhood years, and “easy bruising” as well. When the dentist had to put a filling in one of Willy’s teeth at about 11 years old, his comment was “I don’t know if this filling will take (stick) due to the fact that Willy has very soft teeth”. Twenty-three months ago, at age 13, Willy could hardly bench press 60 lbs. His physique was slim, not to mention he was much shorter than he is now.

Today, as a fifteen year old (16 in Sept.) that is about 5” 6” and weighs 151 lbs., Willy can bench press 250 lbs. (He just broke his old record of 240 lbs.) He also runs for 30 to 45 minutes on a treadmill regularly, and does a host of other exercises as well. Willy has a degree of physical strength that exceeds that of most grown men… he’s clearly a lot stronger than I vs. a lot weaker only two years ago. And he is not yet 16, and he has yet to hardly shave.

Incidentally, Willy’s physical workouts do not seem that difficult for him. The supplements that he took really helped to give him the energy and the willingness to work out, and his substantial results simply motivated him to continue to do so.

Shotgun nutritional supplementation across the entire essential nutrient range (vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and broad based free form amino acids), key accessory nutrients such as L-carnitine and phosphatidyl choline, coconut oil, helpful “super green supplements” such as chlorella, spirulina, and super blue green algae, powerful digestive enzymes, probiotics, and a few dietary changes (the few that we could do given the fact that I am a non-custodial parent) were one half of Willy’s amazing metamorphosis, and his own self discipline was the other half. (All of the specifics of Willy’s supplement regime and how incredibly easy it was for him to implement this regime on himself will be widely and freely posted to the Internet.)

Willy is a worker. You don’t need to push him to do what has to be done… or push him to help either himself or other persons ever. He does his best at all times. Willy is also caring, considerate, compassionate, polite, respectful, and a good listener. Despite his amazing achievements over these past two years he has no “big head” or “big ego” at all. His is simply one good human being, with an aura of wellness that really shows. (I cannot help but be so proud of him.)

How many children in the U.S., with years of serious behavioral and attention problems in elementary school, a history of almost five years of Ritalin use, failure in school (3rd grade), and the diagnosis of ADHD (which is really bipolar in Willy) can say that they have gotten off all medication, and moved on to win the Principal’s Award in ninth grade, win three other academic awards, and make the honor roll as well? (And the school that Willy attends is ranked one of the better school systems in the U.S.)

And how many kids go from being one of the smaller children in their class with no muscular physique to speak of to almost the strongest child in their class within two years? God, I wish I had pictures. (Willy tells me that only one other child is stronger than he is with weights in his class, and this kid is over six foot in height and much heavier than my son.)

And how many kids go from having serious mood instability and hyperactivity for years, to looking “rock solid well”, as Willy does. He has an aura of health and inner contentment that is rather obvious.

All this simply from a very logical nutritional supplementation regime that seems like only common sense, and a little effort on my son’s part.

The story of my son’s change as a result of a proper conceptual approach to ADHD/bipolar is absolutely huge, or so I think. I will be expanding this story and reposting it across the net when I get the chance. My son is CURED! This is a cure that will only get better and improve over time. But for all ostensible purposes, bipolar disorder and ADHD are all over for Willy! He knows this, I know this, and the school that Willy goes to knows that something very, very remarkable happened here as well.

This is the power of what I have been trying to tell the world without success for years. I have known for quite some time that I, as an abject layman just fumbling around in the dark, may have found answers that could help millions of persons some day. Based on my experiences in attempting to be heard over the past six years or so, I don’t know whether these answers are going to be heard in my lifetime or not. But I will never give up trying… until the day that God says to me that it is over… and that it is time for me to rest and to struggle no more.

Thank You William Darman, for trusting your father when I told you a baggie loaded with about a few dozen individual ingredients, and totaling about sixty capsules or tablets, was “OK” to take all at once two years ago when we first started this stuff…

And Thank You for continuing to listen to my guidance since…

And Thank You for having the work ethic to have made something solid out of the sacrifices that I made to keep you supplied with supplements when I could, and for helping out by chipping in hundreds of dollars of your own hard earned money willingly without any thought of recompense whatsoever when my dough came up a little short…

Son, I sure thank you from the bottom of my heart. Perhaps some day the world may find the wisdom to thank you too… for the amazing recovery from bipolar disorder/ADHD that you worked so steadily at for almost two solid years to achieve in yourself.

Congratulations Willy! You really did what you set out to do two years ago! You cured yourself! And I feel deeply honored to have been a little help.

Allen Darman


UN Telecom Conference Assembles to Implement Governance Over Internet by Susanne Posel (12-5-2012)

A Nutrientscure Must Read Blog Written in 2010

The Only Course of Action To Save Two Lesbian 420sub WordPress Internet Freedom Heroes From Certain Death Quite Soon (1-11-2013)

Posted on January 11, 2013

I, Allen Darman, am Not Under Any Immediate Threat Of Dying At The Hands Of the Powers that Be.

They Are Too Afraid Of Making A Martyr Out Of Me. 

Unfortunately, Half of my Four Member WordPress Team IS UNDER IMMEDIATE THREAT OF DYING, 
In Part Because Thus Far They Have Made Two Foolish Decisions.

One of these Foolish Decisions Is To Not Ally With Me By Name, As a Heroic Man Named Mark J. of did.

The Second Foolish Decision My Two Dearly Beloved Lesbian 420sub WordPress Collaborators has made, is That they have yet to Widely Internet Publish their Travel Plans, and Get On An Amtrak Train to Join Up With Me.

The Above Course Of Action Is Quite Literally The Only Chance that They Have Of Surviving Another Month Or Two.

These Two Heroes May Be Dead Next Week.

I Pray that “They Wake Up” and “*Get Real Smart*” Quite Soon. 

Allen Darman

Notable Quotes

I try to leave out the parts that people skip.Elmore Leonard

I try to use my logic and deductive skills to figure out the parts that people skip. I have to Deeply Thank my Mother Marion Darman for fostering my logic and deductive skills by the Great Books! she continually fed to me when I was a child and young man. The lessons that she was responsible for teaching me have quite literally saved me from Certain Death at the Hands of the Mafia dozens of times since they first tried to kill me on January 6, 2010. AllenD

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The FDA Will Mandate That Mental Illness Cannot Be Cured (9-19-2011)

Posted on January 2, 2013 by 


The FDA Will Mandate That Mental Illness Cannot Be Cured (9-19-2011)

Dear Friends:

By the summer of 2000 I knew that (1) what I had learned about the critical importance of correcting gut biology, (2) the need to avoid hidden food allergens, and (3) the need for an adequate therapeutic dose of broad based free form amino acids (along with a wide range of vitamin and mineral cofactors) in order to properly chemically correct a state of depression had the power to topple the pharmaceutical drug industry.

At this point I knew that if I further developed the above mentioned knowledge and spread it all over the Internet these actions were almost certainly going to get me killed at one point or another.  (I also knew that if I remained silent in regard to what I had learned that I personally was going to be OK.)

In the summer of 2000, I was faced with a tough choice.  It was either “lose my morality and my soul, or lose my life”.

I made the decision to take “the Jesus road” and willingly act in a manner in which I was ultimately going to die for the sake of the health of the human race.

For six years nothing untoward happened to me, in part due to the fact that the world was not ready for what I had to say.  (New discovery typically takes decades to become recognized.)

However, as soon as I posted my son Willy’s original ADHD/bipolar recovery story to the Internet in June 2006 things began to change.

Beginning in June 2006 Big Pharma, or some portion thereof, instituted a five pronged attack (as follows) against what my son Willy Darman and I had discovered in regard to the use of nutritional and natural supplements to correct a lack of physical and mental health.

(1) Every computer that I have used since June 2006 for any length of time has been monitored, hacked, and/or intentionally disrupted.  This includes six or seven different personal computers of my own, three computers of family members, computers in a public library near me, and computers in a college library near me as well.  It also includes the laptop computer that I am working with now.

(2) There have been numerous anti-supplement and/or supplement restrictive laws proposed in Congress. (Thankfully, none of these have passed, to the best of my knowledge.)

(3) There have been two attempts by the FDA to restrict the general public’s access to and/or unnecessarily over-regulate dietary supplements.  The first attempt occurred in 2007, and attempted to label ALL nutritional and natural supplements as “drugs”.  (I am convinced this first attempt was motivated by panic at what my son Willy and I had discovered.)  The second attempt is a current threat to all nutritional and dietary supplements that have come on the market since October 15, 1994.

(4) Since it was discovered that Willy’s Baggie of synergistic nutritional and natural supplements also works in regard to quickly resolving the hallmark schizophrenic symptom commonly called “hearing voices” in 2009 all of my cell phone use has been monitored, hacked, and/or intentionally disrupted.

(5) Beginning on January 6, 2010 there have been numerous attempts to take my life.  (I should have been dead at least a dozen times since then in four distinct episodes intended on killing me in order to silence me.)

Now that I solidly know that mental illnesses such as depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia are complex malabsorptive/allergic/toxic/bad biological syndromes that can be corrected (cured!) via natural means, the general public in the United States is about to lose critical access to the nutritional and natural supplements that can cure the same.

The FDA is currently in the process of trying to (over)regulate all nutritional supplements that have come upon the free market since October 15, 1994.  See

***Important note: If the above link does not work, simply Google search for Draft Guidance for Industry: Dietary Supplements: New Dietary Ingredient Notifications and Related Issues.  In the first Yahoo group that I posted this blog to the above link was obviously and intentionally corrupted by hackers to not work.***

Once the FDA succeeds in their current agenda to control key nutritional supplements, no natural and nutritional cure for depression or any other mental illness will ever be realized by the general public.  (Most, if not virtually all, of these cures have already been found.)

If “we the people” somehow get lucky and stop the FDA this time, it will not matter.  It will not matter because Big Pharma and the FDA will try again and again until they succeed in doing what they intend to do in regard to taking powerful healing nutritional and natural supplements out of the general public’s hands.

This situation saddens me.  It saddens me because:

(1) I spent years trying to find the proper natural manner to cure depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.  Despite the fact that I succeeded “in spades” in achieving all four of these goals, my discoveries will become buried by Big Pharma (via their FDA puppets) changing the law.

(2) The fraud of drug oriented medicine is compromising the health of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.  (It is not just ALL psychiatric medications that are a hoax.  Cholesterol medications are a hoax, blood pressure medications are a hoax, acid reflux medications are a hoax, arthritis medications are a hoax, allergy medications are a hoax, asthma medications are a hoax, cancer (chemotherapy) medications are a hoax, diuretics are a hoax, heart medications are a hoax, antibiotics are a hoax, etc.)

(3) The fraud of drug oriented medicine is bankrupting the United States, if it has not done so already.

For the past handful of years I had hoped to do more for the world in regard to stopping the evil agenda of Big Pharma and their stooges in the FDA (and other governmental bodies). Unfortunately, I never found either enough willing collaborators or adequate fiscal means to prove what I know to be true about curing depression and mental illness before it became “legally too late”.

I did what I could for these past twenty one months, while defending myself against death again and again and again and again.

Now I can only pray that some greater power than I intervenes to help the human race.

Allen Darman

Some Related Blogs:

Note: There are some great and quite solid seeds of truth in the blogs listed below, despite the fact that many of them are either overdue for editing or upgrading, and/or are unfinished.  Please understand that for years my housing situation has been very unstable, and/or I was quite literally on the run from Big Pharma’s goons in an attempt to prolong my life.  I am amazed that I made it this far, knowing full well that Big Pharma and I were essentially playing for all of the marbles for over a decade. If the world wants to find fault with me for not having finished the material below, or for not writing a cohesive and organized book, so be it.  Please understand that I did my best at all times, despite great adversity on multiple fronts since August 2002, when my access to adequate fiscal means to (1) house myself, (2) afford a vehicle, and (3) afford to supplement myself at the same time ran out.

FDA Trying To Control All Nutritional Supplements By Labeling Them “Drugs” (2007)

All Therapeutic Supplements Banned In EU in April 2011 (2-18-2011)

Will The American Public Win The Race Against Big Pharma? (3-28-2011)

Willy’s Baggie Idea Dooms Big Pharma Unless… (8-24-2011)

A Testimonial to Dr. Sherry Rogers

Adelle Davis; a true pioneer (September 2007)

Is it possible that key knowledge known by Robert Erdmann over 20 years ago got lost? (7/9/2009)

A Tribute to Bob Beck; A World Class Healer (5-21-2010)

This last blog ended with the following two paragraphs:

“As of this day, Friday May 21, 2010 it is known that ALL MENTAL ILLNESSES CAN BE READILY CURED VIA NATURAL MEANS, every single one.

Mr. Robert Beck, my hat is off to you. I felt honored to be in the presence of your greatness these past two nights. I love you dearly for what you did.”

An Introduction To Alternative Medicine For Psychiatric Conditions (2005)

The Five Fundamental Rules To Correct All Mental Illness (8/30/2011)

Note: The above blog contains universal Truths. Universal Truths are Truths that are applicable to the entire human race.

Governmental vs. Alternative Medicine; It Is Time For Change (8-17-2010)

Suppression Of Great Truth Is The Norm It Seems (8-30-2010)

Much of the above blog is Gary Vesperman’s material in regard to the suppression of numerous “free energy” discoveries by our government and the powers-that-be. This man is a real hero in my eyes. I cannot thank Gary Vesperman enough for writing what he did.

Cambridge Who’s Who And A Synopsis Of My Situation (October 2010)

The Story of Darman Mfg. Company and Genius (2010)

In November 1997 I Got Angry (9/23/2011)

My First Website on the Internet (August 2001)

An old speech draft on bipolar; still a worthy read (2002)

Malabsorption Underlies Mental Illness (9/23/2011)

Concepts and Ideas to Treat Depression Naturally (2003)

Hidden food allergies and bipolar disorder (2003)

The Best Book On Food Allergies I Ever Read (9/23/2011)

My Bipolar Recovery Story as of June 2004

Two egroup posts on inhibitory nutrients written in 2003

Taurine and other inhibitory nutrients

An egroup post I wrote in 2005 on sleep

Repost: How I Slowed My Brain Down and Got Off Sleep Medication (9/29/2010)

The “nutrient equivalent” of lithium for me

Autism and Probiotics Proven to Be Linked!! (September 2006)

Probiotics and Their Effect on All Mental Illness (September 2006)

The End of Antibiotics (2008)

My son Willy’s original ADHD/bipolar! recovery story (June 2006)

Willy’s Three Year ADHD/Bipolar Recovery Story (August 2007)

An Update Regarding Willy’s Amazing Recovery (June 2009)

A before picture of Willy at 10.5 years of age, and an after picture of Willy at 17.5 year of age, can be found on In regard to overcoming ADHD and manic depression naturally Willy has set a course to follow for the entire world.

Doctors Helped Cause Willy’s Sickness (2007)

Willy’s Original Baggie Ingredient List (12/2006; amended 8/26/2011)

A more detailed explanation of Willy’s Original Baggie (February 2007)

Willy’s Baggie Wisdom on YouTube; the end of Big Pharma or me (August 2008)

Willy’s Baggie II; a major improvement

Willy’s Baggie III; a further improvement

An Overview of Willy’s Baggie I, II, and III (March 2010)

The Truehope Supplement, the Equilib Supplement, Willy, and Big Pharma (7-9-2009)

Willy, Equilib (or Truehope), and Situps

The Neurotransmitter Precursor Group of Nutrients in Willy’s Baggie; and their cost

Note:  The blog above is an old one from Yahoo 360, a blogging platform that was closed years ago.  As such, it contains a number of obsolete links, ones that I do not have time at the moment to change.  All of the blogs referred to in this blog were transferred to my Nutrientscure WordPress site years ago.

Willy’s Baggies vs. All One Nutrient Formula Or Protein Powders (3/12/2010)

Willy’s Baggies and Malabsorption (March 2010)

The Blog on Depression That Willy’s Baggie Came From (8-26-2011)

Repost: The possible implications of broad based nutrition taken all at once (February 2007)

Introducing the Concept of an Educational Healing House (2006)

What A Harvard Educated Psychiatrist-To-Be Said About Willy’s Baggies (2009)’s-baggies-2009/

Depression and Bipolar Disorder – Cured At Last! (August 2007)

One of Willy’s “baggies” of supplements… Wow! (September 2006)

An Anecdotal Case; Depression Resolved in One Day (2007)

Willy’s Baggie II Shortcuts The Resolution of Depression

The Proper Chemical Answer For Depression Has Been Found 10-31-2010

An Email I Sent A Bipolar Researcher in February 2004 (3-27-2011)

A Real Cure For Schizophrenia Has been Found! (March 2009)

“Hearing Voices” Remission Within Hours From Supplement Use (March 2009)

Bentonite, Depression, and How The Gut May Work (2004/2005)

Bentonite, vitamin C, and yeast die off (August 2006)

Vitamin C; titrating to bowel tolerance for candida and many other things (June 2009)

Fame Dont Mean Beans To Me (3-30-2011)

Please Get The Value of Martyrdom Out of Me (8-6-2011)


Notable Quote: The first step in blogging is not writing them but reading them.Jeff Jarvis


A word to the wise:  Big Pharma’s hackers have known virtually ALL of my computer passwords for years.  When they finally succeed in killing me, it is extremely likely that many of my blogs on the Internet will become intentionally corrupted with errors and/or intentionally erased.  The healing truths that I am promoting doom Big Pharma’s myriad of lies, and they desire to get rid of these truths from the Internet as soon as they possibly can.  It would be wise for at least some persons to laser print out many of the above blogs, and set them aside in a safe place.  You know who you are.


Notable Quotes

Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.Isaac Asimov

I owe my father Arthur Darman a great debt of gratitude for teaching me how to think, as well as teach me of its great potential value. AllenD

I’m writing a book. I’ve got the page numbers done.Steven Wright

I am writing a book with two wonderful Lesbian 420submissive WordPress Serf Bears in San Francisco as soon as they come and get me and take me back there! There is Only One Problem here! They are being Disobedient to My Orders to Come Get Me! AllenD

The best way to become acquainted with a subject is to write a book about it.Benjamin Disraeli

In 2013, the best way to become acquainted with a subject is to write a WordPress Blog or WordPress Blogs about it.  Allen Darman


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About SmokeMasterAllenD

I am a sixty year old hippie that still likes his “420 chill time”… lol. I am honest, funny, and full of love. Highly intelligent (my parents genes), but humble before God too. I am a Truth Warrior for both America and the World. I am also an Alternative Medical Discoverer, Author, Blogger, Internet Truth Spreader, Freedom of Speech Activist, Bill of Rights Activist, Truth Soldier Activist, Mental Health Activist, Self Applied Alternative Medicine Activist, Respect Native People’s Knowledge Activist, Respect Women’s Rights Activist, Water Powered Car Activist, High Mileage Carburetor Activist, Free Electricity Activist, Burn No More Fossil Fuel Activist, Use No More Nuclear Energy Activist, Save Mother Earth Activist, Expose the NWO Agenda Activist, Medical Marijuana Activist, Decriminalize Drugs Activist, Free Form Amino Acid Therapeutic Value Awareness Activist, Save Public Access to Nutritional Supplements Activist, Anti-GMO Activist, Social Change Activist, OWS Activist, Civil Disobedience Activist, and Internet Educator *all rolled into one*. None of the above jobs pays me a dime. (I don’t mind. My Jobs are heartfelt, interesting, and often a lot of fun!) I work at all of these jobs due to a Strong Sense of Moral Obligation to do so. This Sense of Moral Obligation is NOT blunted by the fact that one (or more) of the above jobs may cost me either (1) my Freedom or (2) my Life. In Regard to My Background Before Being Employed in Regard to the Above: I voluntarily retired from managing Darman Mfg. Company, Inc. in 1994 in order to pursue loftier goals. Some of my initial goals were to find, define, and refine the proper (bio)chemical manner in which to cure depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and the like. As I achieved one goal after another in the aforementioned regards, these (my) goals have changed over time. Currently my general goal is to try to Change the World For the Better via blogging and creating Educational Video Material directed towards assisting the OWS Movement Worldwide. All of my Written, Photographic, and Video Work is given away *Freely over the Internet*. I copyright *NONE* of what I film or write, as I have no commercial agenda whatsoever. Perhaps I should mention that for the past three years I have worked “under the gun” in an almost literal sense. I state this due to the fact that since January 2010 there have been multiple attempts to take my life. It’s a miracle that I am still alive. Since April 2012 I am no longer Alone! as far as Blogging on the Internet! I am the Leader of a Heroic WordPress Website Development Collaborative Internet Team of Four Brave Geniuses!!! I could not have a Better Team! Our Primary WordPress Website of will lead to Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team’s Multiple Websites on the Internet. My Personal Favorite in the Above Regard is However, I also really like,,,,,, and and many of our WordPress Team’s Other Websites too! I hope that You enjoy them! as much as I really do!

America Should Be Ashamed If It Let’s Allen Darman and His Two Lesbian WordPress Website Development Specialists Die at The Hands Of The Mafia Or The Federal Government (12-12-12)

Two Organizational Blogs That Contain Many Or All Of The Key Willy’s Baggie Ingredient Blogs (11/19/2012)